by blinkpb | Aug 30, 2016
“Partway through the sale of our pharmacy, I said to Stewart, partly in jest, that it was “easier to run a pharmacy than sell a pharmacy”. The only reason I was able to partially joke about it was due to the support Stewart gave throughout the selling period. There is...
by blinkpb | Aug 27, 2016
“Dear Stewart, With the sale well and truly behind us now, we wanted to take the opportunity to express our gratitude and appreciation for all your efforts regarding the sale. We simply can’t thank you enough for your assistance in the sale of our pharmacy. It...
by blinkpb | Aug 26, 2016
“My relationship with Stewart began over 6 years ago when he would call in to the pharmacy three or four times a year and kept me informed with what was happening in the market regarding pharmacy sales and acquisitions. We would often discuss capitalisation...
by blinkpb | Aug 24, 2016
“After owning Auburn Pharmacy for 13 years, I decided it was time to devote more time to my family and therefore chose to list my business. From the outset it was imperative that I “dotted the i’s and crossed the t’s” when it came to choosing the right broker to...
by blinkpb | Aug 23, 2016
“After more than 30 years of owning and operating my Pharmacy in Chadstone, my wife and I decided to retire to spend more time with our family, especially our new grandson. Stewart had popped in to see me occasionally in the past to see how we were feeling about...
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